Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dentist today

Limerick had her teeth floated today. Since her appointment was in the late morning, I could not leave work to hold her. Instead someone else did, and she also texted me updates.

At lunch, I swapped the stilettos for muck boots went to the barn to check on Lim. When I arrived, she was already 98% awake from the sedative and being led out a stall by the barn guy. He led her over to me so that I could say hello to her, then turned her out in the big pasture.

As I watched, she wandered through the horses, looking for her boyfriend, Joey. I quietly rooted for her to find him quickly. And she finally did, and with a big whinny she galloped over to him, her eyes wide with happiness.

My friend! I've found you!

Her joy was so profound, so sweet and so intimate, that I couldn't help but tear up with my own joy for her.

I'm glad you found your friend, baby girl, enjoy the sun and the grass on this beautiful day.

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